Are you #teamfannypack?

“He who would travel happily must travel light.”
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Gentle Readers,


The last time I had a fanny pack, I was 12 years old and headed on a family trip to Disney World. In preparation for the trip, my siblings & I spent many days rolling coins we'd saved in one of those over-sized Coca-cola bottle banks, and that fanny pack kept my third of the cash (hands-free! secure! borderline unfashionable!) for my souvenir purchases. 

In a fit of nostalgia, I am back on #teamfannypack and have been sporting a bookish & bright style that says, "Read Your Fanny Off." My children are old enough to know what's cool, but too young to have any idea how embarrassed they should be (thank you ironic fashion trends). And it's just big enough to throw in a paperback with my keys, phone, and cards.

Are you #teamfannypack? Need a paperback to squeeze into your "belt bag?" Read on, friend. 

With a little pep in my step,